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Functional Mushrooms And Brain Health

Photo by Andrew Ridley 

Living To Be 100 - Episode 2 

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food” - Hippocrates, father of western medicine

My paternal grandmother died in 1947 in a mental care facility in St.Thomas Ontario. At that time the only solution for people with Alzheimer's disease was to be placed in a mental institution. My brother, nearly 70, is in a longterm care home and dealing with loss of cognitive function after falling and receiving a brain injury. These family members along with countless other friends and relatives have my brain's health high on my list of priorities. What's the point in living to 100 unless I I can reach this goal with great cognitive health and awareness? 

Cognitive Decline, Dementia and Alzheimer's 

According to the CDC, "dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interfere with doing everyday activities." Alzheimer's disease "is the most common type of dementia." Alzheimer' was first diagnosed in 1906 but it wasn't until the last 20 years until scientists have made significant advancements in understanding how Alzheimer's affects the brain. These develops are leading to improvements that are making life better for affected individuals and families. However, we still have a long way to go. 

Is There a Link Between Brain Health and Nutrition? 

Recently I have been studying and the positive impact on diet can help in boosting and maintaining brain health. In my first article I mentioned the importance of the idea of “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food”. I have begun my ongoing research on what foods I can consume that will help me avoid or minimize cognitive decline as I reach 100. A 2011 study from Japan shows some initial promise that chaga mushrooms could reduce memory loss and improve cognitive function. I am currently drinking a hot drink made from Goodstuff Chocolate Chaga each morning. The hero ingredient is chaga mushroom which is found growing wild on birch trees in Northern Quebec, Alaska and Siberia.

The Era of Functional Mushrooms Is Now

In addition to chaga there are other key functional mushrooms (lion's mane, reishi and chaga in particular) that show some initial signs that they may support brain health and fight off cognitive decline. For example a recent study with mice shows positive signs that lion's mane can assist in preventing dementia and Alzheimer's. The following video is a good source of illustrating how mushrooms are good for your brain health: 6 Incredible Mushrooms For Brain Health. We'll be diving into functional medicine on this blog in the coming weeks and months. 

Food Is My Medicine

I know that I can't entirely avoid an accident like the one that has my brother needing full-time care in his late 60s. I also know that there's no sure way to avoid getting dementia or Alzheimer's. However, I do feel like on my journey to Live To Be 100 I can do everything I can to nourish my brain health and stack the cards in my favour as best I can. 

How about you? Do believe that food can be medicine? Either way, let us know in the comments! 



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